RAC | Your IT Sparring Partner


Need an independent IT Auditor?

As an IT audit practice in Amsterdam, we have the necessary experience and knowledge to handle all your audit issues. Check out the different IT Audit services below.

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IT Audit Services

Annual Accounts Audit

The objective of the annual audit by the external auditor is to establish that the financial statements as recorded in the financial statements give a true and fair view of reality. In the context of the annual accounts audit, we assist accounting firms in performing the IT audit. Together with our auditor colleagues, we determine the audit approach and ensure that the IT audit adds value to the annual audit. Our IT Auditors are all registered in the professional organization of IT Auditors, NOREA.

ISAE 3000 - ISAE 3402 - ISAE 4401

More and more organizations are outsourcing IT or other processes. This outsourcing creates efficiency, but it also carries risks. Is information security properly arranged? How is privacy handled? The ISAE standard is the standard for reliable outsourcing and provides answers to these questions. This standard ensures that aspects such as risk management, information security, privacy, anti-fraud measures and continuity are controlled. An ISAE 3402 report describes how risks are managed. A service auditor then verifies that this is actually happening. What steps must you take to obtain such a report?

SOC 1 - SOC 2 - SOC 3

Service Organization Controls (SOC) reports, also called SOC 1, SOC 2 or SOC 3, are frameworks established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accounts (AICPA) for reporting on internal controls within an organization.

These reports are essential for managing and monitoring the safeguards built into the data management base to ensure those safeguards are working.

Internal Audit

Internal auditing is an ongoing, internal, but independent examination through which an organization reviews its own business processes and monitors quality. The role of internal audit is to provide independent assurance and focused on protecting and improving the organization through objective insight and advice.